BEA and Bloggers, Perfect Together

Going to BEA? Lucky duck. Cybils and the KidLitosphere will be ably represented there by Pam Coughlin and Sheila Ruth. Here's some info Sheila sent into me about their fabulous presence there:

Pam Coughlan and I are participating in a "Blogger signing" thing (like an author autographing session, except for bloggers) at the booth of the company responsible for NetGalley, and we'll certainly be promoting the KidLitosphere and Cybils in addition to our own blogs.

If anyone would like to find out more about the Cybils and the Kidlitosphere, they can stop by and talk to us on Sunday the 31st at 11 AM at booth #4077. Here's the link:

Follow The Reader


Thank you! Be sure to stop by if you're going and see our celebrity kidlitospherians.

Anne the Editor