#Cybils2022 Graphic Novels

  Invisible: A Graphic Novel Christina Diaz Gonzalez, illustrated by Gabriela EpsteinΒ  GRAPHIX Nominated by: cheriee weichel Five Latine students are thrown together because they all speak Spanish. What they know, and others (including the reader) learn is that they are not: they all have distinct experiences and cultures that make them different. Told in alternating viewpoints, they all work …

What the #CybilsAwards Means to Me. Gary Anderson, In His Own Words

This post, written by Young Adult Fiction Chair, Gary Anderson, was first seen on What’s Not Wrong? Gary’s blog. We are reprinting with permission. Want to share why you love the Cybils Awards? Leave a comment on Gary’s post, here.Β  The Cybils Awards, YA Lit, and Meby Gary Anderson If you pay attention to the world of literature for young …

Dear Author

Dear Author Friend, I’ve been sharing thoughts about serving as a CYBILS AWARDS Panelist volunteer in some recent letters to bloggers, librarians, and others who are deeply invested in quality books for young readers. I hope that some of those discussions are traveling among friends and colleagues in those groups. Thinking about those peer groups made me realize I was …

Dear Librarian

Dear Library Friend, I’m so was so excited to hear from you! When sharing thoughts about volunteering as a CYBILS AWARDS panelist with my Blogger Friend, I was hoping they might find their way to others. Library friends are the perfect target audience for these discussions since librarians are ALWAYS my best friends, my portal to the reading world that …

Dear Blogger (Part 2)

Dear Blogger Friend, I’m pleased that you understood the intent of my previous letter. I worried I might be sounding pushy, but I was simply reaching out to encourage possible interest. Your questions are great ones and I appreciate your interest in learning more about volunteering as a Cybils Awards panelist. If you’ve hesitated because you have questions about what …

Dear Blogger (Part 1)

<p Dear Blogger Friend, I am long overdue in thanking you for countless mornings of joy. Each day I open an e-window for my library-network HOLD portal, and another for my email. Then, with hot tea and biscotti on hand, I ignore all other inbox business to read your posts about books and their creators. I subscribe to dozens of …

The Gift of Giving

We are constantly amazed at our Cybils judges. They spend personal time reading books and thinking and discussing about them, and championing kids books all over the internet. But, sometimes, they do things that go above and beyond, and we sit back in amazement and feel a need to share.Β  Our Fiction Picture Book/Board Book Chair, Deb Nance, sent us …

Featured Blogger: Paula Willey

Our featured blogger this month is Paula Willey, as nominated by Sheila Ruth. Sheila writes, “Paula has been a Cybils judge in several different categories, going back at least to 2008, and has always been a cheerleader for Cybils and all things kidlit. Her blog posts are fun and a joy to read; she writes in a distinctive voice, and …

Featured Blogger: Maureen Kearney

Since the date and place for the 2015 KidlitCon has been announced and the call for proposals is out, we thought it’d be fun to highlight the one person (that we know of; there may be others) that has been to every single KidlitCon since it started back in 2007. Maureen was more than happy to take a moment out …

Featured Blogger: Lee Wind

This month’s featured blogger is Lee Wind, who blogs over atΒ I’m Here. I’m Queer. What the Hell Do I Read?. Lee’s a long-time active member of the Kidlitosphere, and we were happy he took some time out of his busy schedule to talk with us! Tell us a bit about your blog. LW: The idea behind “I’m Here. I’m Queer. …