Contact Us

Got questions? Great! We created this handy-dandy page so we can answer your burning questions and if not, give you a way to reach out to us.

We do have one request, though. Please read this Q&A List below and our Frequently Asked Questions page to see if any of this content answers your questions. We run on volunteer power and are not watching the inbox 24/7.

What is your award calendar?

Our awards cycle begins in mid to late August with a Call for Judges and ends with announcing the winners the following February. There is a two-week call for nominations that begins October 1, and then a 10-day period for publishers and authors to submit titles they believe nominators may have missed. You can find a more detailed breakdown of the awards calendar and what happens in each phase here.

When can I submit my book?

After the Public Nominations phase closes, we open a call for submissions from authors and publishers. It is a 10-day period in October beginning on 10/16. We announce the Publisher/Author call on Twitter and Facebook.

You will always find detailed information about the publisher/author process, as well as the book eligibility criteria, on this page. When the acceptance period is open, we add put a link to the submission form on this page.

How much does it cost to get the Cybils to consider my book?

We do not use a pay-for-entry model. Instead, we invite readers and book creators to nominate or submit books that meet our criteria and that they believe are “award-worthy.” Nominations and submissions are accepted each October.

Do I have to buy books if I am a Cybils Awards judge?

No, but you will need an active library card. Judges make extensive use of their local libraries. We also work with authors and publishers to get copies to judges when a library may not have timely access to a specific title.

If an author or publisher submits a book for consideration, they must be willing to provide copies for judging in both rounds.

How do I report a problematic book?

The Cybils Awards is committed to positive representation and inclusion in literature written for youth audiences. We have created a form so that should you come across a book (nominee, finalist, or winner) that you believe has problematic content or if you have questions about a book, you can let us know.

Reports submitted to the Cybils Awards via this form or other means are taken very seriously, and you will receive acknowledgment of the report, as well as the Board’s final decision.

Did these questions or our Frequently Asked Questions page help you?

If not, then please send us an email! We’ll be happy to help.

  • For questions from publishers and authors, please contact publishers @ cybils [dot] com.
  • For questions or comments about the blog, please contact blogeditor @ cybils [dot] com.
  • For all other questions, contact info @ [cybils [dot] com.