Friends With Boys by Faith Erin Hicks

Mama Librarian–aka Maggi Idzikowski–is a Cybils regular and a Round 1 panelist this year for Graphic Novels. She posts reviews on Goodreads as well as on her blog, where she and her kids rate books according to awesomeness, wordsmithing, personages, mesmerizitude, illustrations, and factfulness. Fun fact: She's also a member of The Newbery Project blog, which aims to read and review all the Newbery Award winners.

FriendsWithBoysThis fall, Maggi reviewed YA graphic novels nominee Friends With Boys, by Faith Erin Hicks, which is a funny coming-of-age story with a supernatural twist. She gave it 4 out of 5 stars and said in her review:

I appreciate that Hicks uses familiar tropes of high school
relationships without letting her characters become cardboard
stereotypes. The relationships between Maggie and her brothers and the
larger school community are complex and interesting.

Read the rest of the review here.