A Project from our Publisher Liaison

RathasCreatureOur hardworking publisher liaison is Sheila Ruth, who not only spends oodles of time making sure Cybils judges get the review copies they need, but also devotes even more time to being the Fantasy and Science Fiction category chair. You probably know she blogs at Wands and Worlds, but you might NOT know that she also owns a small press herself–Imaginator Press.

Her latest project for Imaginator Press is one that you can help bring to fruition. You might remember that Imaginator republished the 1983 book Ratha's Creature by Clare Bell (a book I recall reading myself when I was in middle school in the *cough* late 1980s). Now, they're bringing it to life in graphic novel form, but they need a little extra help to do it. If you're interested, check out the Kickstarter page–contributors get some cool perks, like ebook copies, custom plushies, and more.

–Sarah Stevenson, blog editor