Rounds: Franklin Frog by Nosy Crow Apps

Our featured reviewer for the day, Helen Dineen, is a UK-based blogger at CAppTivated Kids, where she blogs about iPad apps for young children. She's always on the lookout for entertaining and educational apps for her two little ones, and on her blog she posts about her favorites. Fun fact: Though she's a Twitter veteran, she's relatively new to blogging–she just started in 2012, but she impressed us with her in-depth book app reviews.

FranklinFrogOne of the apps she wrote about last year was Cybils finalist Rounds: Franklin Frog, developed by Nosy Crow Apps from a story by Barry and Emma Tranter. It's part of a series that looks at the life cycle of a different animal in each installment, and it's chock-full of fun frog facts. In her review, Helen says:

I really like the way Franklin asks the reader to help him in his
journey – to jump across the pond, to catch food with his long, sticky
red tongue, or to find somewhere to hibernate. My children enjoyed doing
this, and so absorbed the facts easily along the way.

Read the full review here.