Meet the Organizers: Jackie Parker, Young Adult Fiction

Jackie fully believes that her ability to consume great quantities of literature in short periods of time was first fostered by the elementary school program “Book It” which promised a button and free Pizza Hut to those who read enough. It served her well in college, and then again, in 2006 during the inaugural year of the Cybils. Since then, she has wildly wielded directives at YA Fiction panelists each fall and winter.

A full-time librarian who has recently acquired a shockingly fancy sounding title (Lead Librarian for Readers’ Services), Jackie regularly bribes teen volunteers with pizza, and is currently spending most of her non-work time chasing down stray Cheerios and the adorable sticky toddler who leaves them behind.

The Cybils have yet to reward her with greasy pizza. Or any pizza, for that matter. Jackie blogs at Interactive Reader, and can be found on Twitter @interactiver.