I Now Pronounce You Someone Else by Erin McCahan

Michelle Franz of Galleysmith has been an active book blogger since mid-2009, and shares her love of books through in-depth, thoughtful reviews. She's also an instructional/educational technologist–i.e., she works on ways to use technology to assist in learning–and she's a Round II judge on our Young Adult Fiction panel.

INowPronounceYou One of the books she read and reviewed last year was Cybils finalist I Now Pronounce You Someone Else by Erin McCahan. It's the story of eighteen-year-old Bronwen Oliver, a girl who wishes she had a different family–so much so that she accepts a marriage proposal from a guy whose family seems perfect. Michelle says in her review:

Filled with plot elements that were profoundly emotional and deeply influential, this is an excellent book to fit into a teen readerโ€™s life. Touching on such serious and interesting subjects as maintaining virginity until marriage and the loss of a beloved parent, the infusion of each into the other was mostly well done though not without some shortcomings.

Read the full review here.