It’s Sepember 30th Already?

And you know what that means, don’t you? Only 24 more hours (more or less) until the Cybils nominations open!! 

I’m sure you’ve been thinking long and hard over the past few weeks about which books you want to nominate in every category, and you’re going to stay up super late (or get up super early; or maybe you just are having a bout of insomnia) so you can be the FIRST ONE to enter those nominations in. (True story: I’ve done all three of those at least once over the years, just so I can make sure my favorite book was nominated. Well, I couldn’t help the insomnia, but I definitely made sure I took advantage of it!) 

Do us a favor, though, and check out our category descriptions and the nomination rules and the frequently asked questions before you stay up late/get up early. (Disclaimer: following those links won’t help with insomnia. Sorry.) 

And we’ll see you at 12:01 a.m. PDT tomorrow for our public nominations!