Sounds of the Cybils

As Cybils progressed from a gee-whiz comment on Kelly’s blog to a real event with 80 volunteers and nearly 700 books to read, I wondered what it would be like to meet some of the kidlit bloggers helping us. Who are you? What brought you to our contest? What would it be like to sit down and chat with some of you?

If you’ve felt the same way about either Kelly or myself, here’s your big chance to hear us chatter about our latest obsession. Mark and Andrea of Just One More Book!! interviewed us for one of them newfangled podcasts. Mark did an amazing job of keeping us focused and asked some provocative questions about the future of kidlit.

I’m also impressed how you can’t  even tell my little ones were howling just outside my locked bedroom door nearly the whole time. Just about your only clue is the mounting panic in my voice.

Go listen. It’s 25 minutes about kid’s lit, what could be better?

–Anne Levy, Web Mistress