Call for Judges

It’s nearing the end of summer and beach reads are slowly giving way to back-to-school booklists. It’s time for the 2014 Cybils Awards to get underway. Cue balloons and pigeons and national anthem and stuff! Okay, we don’t have any of that. It’s still pretty exciting, though.

We kick off our new season by lining up a new crew of judges for our two rounds of reading, analyzing, debating, bloodletting, and selecting the year’s best books.

We’re just kidding about the bloodletting. We haven’t had that happen. Yet.

We have loads of lovely FAQs about judging for us. Check this one, this one, and this one.

If you haven’t run screaming in the opposite direction, then maybe you’d like to sign up. Here’s the link to the application form. Be sure to fill out all three choices, and make sure they’re choices you can live with. The deadline to submit your application is September 5th.

And remember, it’s not a popularity contest. If we don’t pick you, it’s not because we’re secretly snickering about you to all your friends. We hope you’ll still love us and drop by to read reviews and follow our progress.

Anne Boles Levy, Executive Director