Review of the Day
Silver City

Our own Sheila Ruth contributes today’s review, a fantasy about children defending their planet. Sheila writes Wands and Worlds, perhaps one of the best-known blogs for fans of science fiction and fantasy, and was the first volunteer to sign up for Cybils duty. We’ve all been awed by her keen insight, publishing acumen and organizational wizardry. She prompted us to start a Yahoo group to get organizers talking and warned that publishers would be falling over themselves to get us review copies, raised the idea of selling stickers to publishers (after the contest is over) and has generally averaged at least one breakthrough idea per week.

And did we mention she has a fun, passionately written blog about her favorite genre? Here’s her take on the Silver Sequence series, of which Silver City is the second book:

The Silver Sequence
is a remarkable story about transformation and personal sacrifice. In the crowded fantasy genre, The Silver Sequence
is truly unique and imaginative. It’s not always a comfortable book to
readβ€”at times it’s so shocking that you want to put it down, and yet
you can’t stop reading it. You really come to care about the
characters, and even when they act selfishly in the face of such
horror, it only makes them more human and makes you love them more.
It’s the kind of book that you can’t stop thinking about even after
you’ve turned the last page.

Read the rest.