Cicada Summer by Andrea Beaty

Elf toys, elf paraphernalia, or anything else related to actual elves, you won't find on Kerry Millar's blog, Shelf Elf. What you will find are reviews, interviews, news, and more about books for children and young adults. Kerry is also a contributor to Guys Lit Wire and she happens to be a Middle Grade panelist for this year's Cybils, too. Whew! That's one busy elf.

We at the Cybils are happy to report that today's review, courtesy of Kerry, introduces a book by another of our Cybils team (in the NFPB category): Andrea Beaty of Three Silly Chicks. Cicada Summer is her first book for a middle grade audience, and it's sure to appeal to girl readers as well as Nancy Drew fans. Lily, the main character, is a Nancy nut, but she's also got some secrets of her own:

She has been working on keeping a big secret for some time, and is doing a pretty good job of it until sneaky, not-very-nice-at-all Tinny Bridges shows up in Olena. Tinny makes trouble wherever she goes, and it seems that Lily’s the only one to notice…

Click here to read the rest of the review, and here for Shelf Elf's interview with the author.