Frankenstein Takes the Cake by Adam Rex

Today's review of the day is actually a co-review from two Cybils veterans, Jules of Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast and Kelly Fineman of Writing and Ruminating, both of whom are panelists for this year's Poetry category. As one half of the well-known 7-Imps, Jules, along with her co-blogger Eisha, reads a huge array of books and posts reviews, interviews, and the weekly feature 7 Kicks. Meanwhile, Kelly, who is a children's writer and poet, posts about books, writing, and–of course–poetry at her LiveJournal blog. And, dare I say, both blogs are truly fixtures of the kidlitosphere.

FrankensteinCake Not too long ago, Jules and Kelly decided to undertake a co-review of Frankenstein Takes the Cake by Adam Rex, the sequel to last year's Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich. Adam Rex is no stranger to the Cybils, having won an award last year in the Fantasy and Sci-Fi category for The True Meaning of Smekday. In the co-review, J and K talk about what makes this such a great read, not just for kids, but for teens, too:

The Frankenstein monster will be familiar to many teens….[T]he monsterโ€™s problems with his fiancรฉe and her mother are the sorts of relationship issues that teens deal with all the time.

If that doesn't tempt you to read the full review…well, just read it anyway!