Where Else in the Wild?

Jone MacCulloch is our Non-Fiction Picture Books category organizer this year, and at her blog Check It Out, she looks at books from the perspective of a K-5 school library media specialist and teacher. What's more, she's a regular participant in Poetry Friday.

WhereElse During Poetry Friday last week, Jone took a look at category-busting Cybils nominee Where Else in the Wild? by David M. Schwarz, Yael Schy and Dwight Kuhn. It's a nominee in NFPB, but it combines the poetry form with fabulous non-fiction facts about creatures and delightful photography. Jone says:

The photos are stunning, the poems fun, and the facts informative. Put them all together and readers of all ages will be coming back again and again.

Read some excerpts and the full review here.