Dear George Clooney: Please Marry My Mom

Middle Grade Fiction Round 1 judge Sandra Stiles is a familiar face around the Cybils. Her blog, The Musings of a Book Addict, includes book reviews ranging from children's books to adult books, as well as thoughts on writing from a middle school teacher and aspiring writer.

DearGeorge Apparently Sandra found the title and cover of today's featured book just as hilarious as I did–and evidently the story lived up to its promise. However, I haven't yet read Dear George Clooney: Please Marry My Mom, by Susin Nielsen, so I'll have to take Sandra's word for it in her review:

As a teacher and adult I was horrified to find myself siding with the girls when Rosie repeatedly bites a girl in daycare or when Violet has it out with "Thing One" at school. However, the human side of me said these other people deserved it. If you want to know what I am talking about you must pick up this book and read it.

Click here for the rest of the review.