Some off-topic news

Serendipity-logo I've signed with Regina Brooks of the Serendipity Literary Agency in Brooklyn, New York. Yay, me. I've taken a giant leap forward on the path to publication for my manuscript. There were any number of reasons why it made sense to sign with Ms. Brooks, not the least of which is that I read and enjoyed her book. I won't plug it heavily here, as that would be an obvious conflict of interest, but you have the link.

Here's my bio on her website, which I wrote. I'm still hunting for a non-awful picture of me.

What does this mean for Cybils? Nothing, really. If my book is published, I won't be entering it into competition here. I haven't worked this hard on Cybils' reputation for transparency to make a glaring exception for myself. It's not something I intend to lose sleep over, either.

Sooo … wish me luck in the publishing marketplace! It's a YA fantasy, a genre that I hear is holding its own in this recession. Fingers crossed.

–Anne Boles Levy, Cybils Admin.