Cybils Panelists and Nominees Rock the Winter Blog Blast Tour

If you've never heard of the Blog Blast Tours–Summer and Winter–you're missing out! It started in summer of 2007, organized by Colleen Mondor at Chasing Ray, and has been going strong twice a year ever since. The Blog Blast Tours are a semi-annual week of in-depth interviews with authors and illustrators, with a particular focus on children's and YA authors.

This year's Winter Blog Blast Tour was last week (check out the full list of interviews here), and featured a number of Cybils panelists as well as nominated authors and illustrators.

Cybils panelists participating included Colleen, of course; past Cybils participants Little Willow of Bildungsroman, Vivian Lee Mahoney of Hip Writer Mama, Liz Burns of A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy and Jules and Eisha over at Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast; Poetry panel organizer Kelly Fineman of Writing and Ruminating; NFPB judge Doret Canton of The Happy Nappy Bookseller; Cybils regular Betsy Bird of A Fuse #8 Production; Tanita Davis & Sarah Stevenson of Finding Wonderland, both on the SFF panel; Gwenda Bond of Shaken & Stirred, also on the SFF panel; and our Middle Grade Fiction organizer, Kerry Millar of Shelf Elf.

Here's a list of the Cybils-nominated authors that were interviewed:

I hope I didn't miss anyone, but if I did, you can check out the full schedule archived here.