Ubiquitous: Celebrating Nature’s Survivors by Joyce Sidman

Today's featured review comes courtesy of Wild Rose Reader's Elaine Magliaro, Round I Poetry panelist and children's poet in her own right. And the review is rather special, since the Cybils finalist author in question is Joyce Sidman–not only is she a past Cybils winner, she's got two–count 'em, TWO–titles on the finalist list this year.

Ubiquitous Way back in the spring, Elaine took a look at Ubiquitous: Celebrating Nature's Survivors, written by Joyce Sidman and illustrated by Beckie Prange. The book takes a look at nature and science through the eyes of Sidman's poetry, bringing to life some different types of animals that survive under extreme conditions. In her review, Elaine says:

Sidmanโ€™s poetry about the beginnings of life on Earthโ€ฆabout plants and animals that are survivors who exist here today…both enlightens and engages the reader. It speaks to the wonder of it all.

Read the full review here.