More Cybils Love

Our winners aren't the only ones who've been posting lovely things about the Cybils during these heady post-announcement days:

  • Kelly Jensen of Stacked, one of our Round I panelists for YA Fiction, wrote a fantastic and well-worded blog post on Why the Cybils Matter, saying: "If you want a good slice of what the best books of the year were for 2010, don't just read the books vetted by ALA or the National Book Award. Pick up the books vetted by the panelists of the Cybils, too. These books are noteworthy. They are worth your time. Sometimes they complement those selected on a larger level and other times, they fill in the gaps."
  • Over at La Bloga, MG/YA Nonfiction judge and children's author Rene Colato Lainez wrote up a wonderfully comprehensive announcement of the winner in his category.
  • The School Library Journal's Rocco Staino wrote up an announcement of all of this year's Cybils winners, and we got a quick blurb in the Publishers Weekly Children's Bookshelf newsletter.

Thanks, everyone, for sharing the good news and your kind words!