Stolen by Lucy Christopher

Today's featured review comes from Tasha Saecker's long-running blog Kids Lit, which has been active since 2003. Tasha, who is the director of the Menasha Public Library in Wisconsin, is an old hand around the Cybils, and she's been a category organizer as well as a judge. She reviews everything from board books to YA novels, and this year she's a Round II judge for Young Adult Fiction.

Stolen Last spring, lucky Tasha got hold of an ARC of Cybils YA finalist Stolen by Lucy Christopher, a shocking but ultimately beautiful story of kidnapping, captivity and a captor who is far more than simply a mustache-twirling villain or frightening monster. In her review, Tasha says:

Christopherโ€™s book explores what freedom really is, what love means, and how relationships can morph and change despite ourselves. In Gemma, Christopher has created a strong modern female that readers will instantly relate to. She has domineering but distant parents, close friends, and much to miss. But the most remarkable character Christopher created is Ty.

Click here to read the rest of the review.