Cybils Staff Publishing News!

Our own Gina Ruiz, former Cybils Social Media Guru and MG/YA Nonfiction category organizer, tipped us off to some most excellent news: she has a short story included in the newly-released (for grown-ups) anthology Β‘Ban This! The BSP Anthology of Xican@ Literature.

BanThisGina says, "I am completely blown away to be in a book with Luis Urrea and Rodolfo Acuna," and we're sure that their stories are fabulous, but I for one can't wait to read Gina's in particular, which is entitled "Cholos, Chanclas and Aliens." The author describes the story as follows: "Basically, the aliens land in a park usually inhabited by cholos, who end up killing the aliens, saving the world (with Aquanet) and getting deported for their trouble."

How could you NOT want to read it?

–Sarah Stevenson, blog editor