Barefoot World Atlas by Touch Press

Today's featured reviewer is Cathy Potter, who is a Round 1 Book Apps judge. She blogs at The Nonfiction Detectives, where she and her co-blogger (also a Cybils judge this year) review, of course, nonfiction for readers aged 5-18. Fun fact: Cathy reviews book apps for School Library Journal, which is where today's review is from.

BarefootWorldAtlasThe Barefoot World Atlas from Touch Press is an interactive version of the print edition of this book, complete with illustrations, animations, and information about each country in the world, and is sure to appeal to both younger and older readers. In her review for SLJ, Cathy said:

This stunning title takes full advantage of the iPadโ€™s interactive
capabilities. Upon opening the application, an illustrated, 3-D globe
appears. Mountains, oceans, lakes, and forests are painted onto the
Earthโ€™s surface in a range of bright colors. A swipe to the screen spins
and tilts the globe, with a pinch and a pull, viewers zoom in for a
closer look.

Click here to read the full review.