Chuck Close: Face Book by Chuck Close

Jessica Tackett of the blog Her Life With Books is today's featured reviewer–a Round 1 judge for MG/YA Nonfiction, she is also a fledgling librarian who enjoys reading children's and YA lit as well as, occasionally, writing it. Being all librarian-y, her blog features a wonderfully orderly list of reviews by genre for your reading edification. Fun fact: Jessica also has an MA in Children's Literature.

ChuckCloseFaceBookLast month, Jessica reviewed NFMGYA nominee Chuck Close: Face Book by the artist himself, Chuck Close. If you don't know Chuck Close, he is one of those rare birds–a famous painter who became famous in his lifetime and is in fact (obviously) still alive. He overcame a number of physical limitations throughout his career, and he paints–what else–faces. HUGE ones. About the book, Jessica says:

This book is structured around a school β€œfieldtrip” – a group of
children visiting Mr. Close in his studio and, after studying his life
and his work, asking him some rather astute questions.

Check out the rest of the review here.