Sharing the Love

We love our Cybils winners, and they think we aren't too bad ourselves–at least, judging by the tweets and blog posts reacting to Thursday's announcement of the 2012 winning titles. We're always happy to share the love, so here are a few of our favorites:

  • Laura Salas, author of winning Poetry title BookSpeak (and former Cybil-ite and longtime blogger herself) had some absolutely lovely words for us on her blog (and a great initial reaction post, too).
  • Faith Erin Hicks, author of Teen Graphic Novels winner Friends With Boys, tweetedOMG YOU GUYS Friends With Boys won a Cybill!!!! β€¦ lookit me with all those Real Authors!
  • Macmillan Kids gave us a shout-out on Twitter, too: Yay! A HOME FOR BIRD and BOMB won in the 2012 #Cybils Awards!
  • Anne Nesbet, author of SFF finalist title The Cabinet of Earths, shared the love on announcement day: So amazed & touched by the work book-loving bloggers put into the #Cybils! Thank you! THE CABINET OF EARTHS was tickled to be a finalist. πŸ™‚
  • Small Planet Digital, publishers of winning Book App Dragon Brush, posted some jubilation on their Tumblr

On behalf of the entire Cybils team (I think it's fairly safe to say), we're delighted to be able to read so many worthy and wonderful titles, and spread around some well-deserved recognition. It's a privilege and a pleasure!