REVIEW: Detective Gordon: The First Case

Juliana Lee brings us our featured review today; she’s a Round 1 judge for Easy Readers and Early Chapter Books this year, and she blogs at Crafting Stories, where she talks about writing and reading children’s books, especially picture books. She’s a retired teacher as well as a writer and avid reader, so it’s no surprise that her blog includes alphabetized lists of book reviews! One of those many reviews was of Cybils Early Chapter Books nominee Detective Gordon: The First Case, written by Ulf Nilsson and illustrated by Gitte Spee. In her review, Juliana said:

“Detective Gordon is a toad in the woods who solves mysteries for the police department. His first Β case involves a squirrel named Vladimir and his missing nuts…. Fans of detective stories and budding friendships will enjoy reading the story of a pair of police officers who would rather have tea and cake than solve mysteries.”

Read the full review here.