REVIEW: Princess Princess Ever After

Today’s featured nominee is not your typical princess story. In this one, two princesses team up to rescue a prince, and end up finding their own happily ever after. Round 1 Graphic Novels judge Alexandra Cenni (For the Sake of Reading) reviewedย Princess Princess Ever After by Katie O’Neill earlier this year on her Goodreads feed, and said:

“There’s a lot to recommend this book – the artwork is bright and cheerful, with a little bit of creepy for the villain, but overall nothing scarier then what you’d see in kid shows today. Amira has a kick-butt hairstyle and looks like the dashing hero she wants to be. Sadie is fluffy and adorable, only somewhat mollified throughout the story that Amira sees her for her, not for what she looks like.”

Click here for the full review.