The Only Constant is Change…

It’s a new season here at the Cybils, and of course, that means a bit of shifting in the organizers. It’s all volunteers, and so when time becomes short and life gets too busy, we lose some very good people. This year, we’re saying goodbye to Liz Jones, our longtime Graphic Novels chair and Katie Fitzgerald, our Easy Readers/Early Chapter Book chair. We will miss both of these wonderful women!

That means, however, that we get to welcome new people! Longtime panelist and judge Alysa Stewart Β will be taking over the Graphic Novel category. And a relative Cybils newcomer (though long-time blogger) Kristi Bernard will be taking over the Easy Reader/Early Chapter Book category. And, because Sheila has decided that she can no longer be a ultra-super-woman (resorting to being just a super-woman), this year’s KidlitCon organizer Pam Margolis is throwing her lot in with us to help chair the YA Speculative Fiction category.

That’s about it for changes around here (right now; things are subject to, well, change). Stay tuned for bios of all our lovely organizers! (And don’t forget to apply to help out!) Β Β