REVIEW: Alice Paul and the Fight for Women’s Rights

Cybils veteran and Round 1 judge Louise Capizzo of The Nonfiction Detectives brings us our featured blog review of the day–she’s Youth Services Manager at a library in Maine and has served on a number of awards committees, including ours! One of her reviews looked at Senior High Nonfiction finalist Alice Paul and the Fight for Women’s Rights: From the Vote to the Equal Rights Amendment by Deborah Kops:

Kopโ€™s excellent book is the story of Alice Paul and her determination to keeping national attention onย theย woman suffrage movement. Born in Moorestown, New Jersey on January 11, 1885, Paul was the power behind the passing of the Nineteenth Amendment in 1919, which was ratified to the Constitution in March of 1920, allowing women the right to vote.
Click here to read the full review.