The 2020 Cybils Finalists!

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Itโ€™s January 1st, our favorite day of the year! (And not just because 2020 is over!) We have gotten the nominations, read the books, debated, and chosen ones to be finalists! It’s time to Celebrate!!

Now, because we know youโ€™re curious, we have some stats for you. We had 987 books nominated across all categories (that’s fewer than years past, but still a LOT) and 99.7% of them were read by one panelist. 93.2% of them were read by two or more. Thatโ€™s a quick way to say a lot of people put in a lot of time to make sure almost every book was read and thanks to all our judges and category chairs!

And so, without further blathering on my part, here are this year’s finalists: