Introducing the #Cybils2021 Idea Boards

Last year, we experimented with a way to celebrate, share, and recommend books that you, passionate readers of youth literature, thought were worthy of Cybils Awards consideration in 2020. So we created Padlets.

The upside was that we discovered LOTS of books that you loved, including many we didn’t know about. We had an amazing, diverse collection of books that people could draw on for nominations. The downside was that you didn’t have enough time to add all of your favorites. We’ve fixed that. We’re launching the Padlets today!

The #Cybils2021 Idea Boards are your go-to place to add books for kids and teens that you think are worthy of Cybils Awards consideration.

They are roughly structured along the lines of our categories. Bookmark this post in your favorite browser and you have a one-stop-shop for adding books to any of the Idea Boards through the links below. A couple of important housekeeping items first.

  • The final array of categories for the 2021 Cybils Awards is not yet set.
  • Nonfiction may/may not be one category. Whatever the structure, we will award for elementary, middle school, and high school audiences. The Idea Board reflects that.
  • The return of the Poetry or Board Books categories is undecided. We are hopeful, so we included those Idea Boards.
  • Any book added to an Idea Board must still meet all Cybils Awards eligibility criteria.
  • The books are your recommendations on what should be considered, NOT a nomination. The official nomination phase starts Oct 1. [Don’t worry, we’ll post a reminder.]

Last but not least, the Padlets are a place to add books you love “in the moment,” when you finish reading them.Β  It may also be a place to discover a book you hadn’t heard about but are interested in reading. Bottom line: You can add multiple books that you think are worthy of Cybils Awards consideration.Β 

Without further ado, here are the links to each of the 2021 Cybils Awards Idea Boards.

We love diverse books, OwnVoices, and honesty. We don’t love tricksters and those who try to game the system. So thank you in advance for playing by the rules.