2021 Panelists and Judges: Elementary/Middle Grade Nonfiction

Round 1
Sandy Brehl
Unpacking the Power of Picture Books
Twitter: @SandyBrehl and @PBWorkshop
Instagram: @sandybrehl
Genevieve Ford
Twitter: @genevieveford1
Kelly Karsner-Clarke
Kidlit Underground
Twitter: @kellylkc
Instagram: @kidlitunderground

Mary Duffy

Instagram: @JustReadJournal
Susan Dobrodt
Twitter: @redcanoereader
Instagram: @redcanoereader

Heidi Grange


Geo Librarian
Twitter: @GeoLibrarian

Reshama Deshmukh 
Stacking Books
Twitter: @Stackingbks
Instagram: @Stackingbks

Round 2

Alyssa Stewart
Twitter: @everead
Instagram: @everead
Kortney Garrison
Read Loud Revival
Twitter: @onedeepdrawer
Instagram: @onedeepdrawer

The Completely Full Bookshelf


Tanita Davis

Writing YA
Twitter: @tanita_s_davis
Instagram: @tanita_writes

Bridget Wilson

What is Bridget Reading
Twitter: @bridgetrwilson
Instagram: @bridgetwilson4765