This week, the Sunday before finalists are announced (check back on January first), let’s celebrate everything SPACE! Astronauts, astronomers, stars, night sky, our own plant hurtling through space, current and future space travel… there’s SO much out there!
Beyond: Discoveries from the Outer Reaches of Space
by Miranda Paul, illustrated by Sija Hong
Millbrook Press
Hello, Earth!: Poems to Our Planet
by Joyce Sidman, illustrated by Miren Asiain Lora
Eerdmans Books for Young Readers
A gorgeous, expansive celebration of science and art, Hello, Earth! is a book to cherish in whatever landscape you call home. – Nicole at Feed Your Fiction Addiction
I Wish I Had a Wookiee: And Other Poems for Our Galaxy
by Ian Doescher, illustrated by Tim Budgen
Quirk Books
Good Night, Oppy!
by James McGowan, illustrated by Graham Carter
Boyds Mills Press
Compelling narrative and kid-friendly pictures on each page, along with detailed factual information that explains more of the story. – Deb Nance at ReaderBuzz
The Little Spacecraft That Could
by Joyce Lapin, illustrated by Simona Ceccarelli
Sterling Children’s Books
Loaded with valuable and engaging illustrations, labeled diagrams, and photographic inserts and sidebars, there is nonfiction galore. Yet the technique of turning an unmanned spacecraft into this upbeat and determined character makes the entire project come to life on the page. – Sandy Brehl
The Stars Beckoned: Edward White’s Amazing Walk in Space
by Courtney Wellins, illustrated by Courtney Dawson
The Stuff Between the Stars: How Vera Rubin Discovered Most of the Universe
by Sandra Nickel, illustrated by Aimée Sicuro
Harry N Abrams
Black Hole Chasers: The Amazing True Story of an Astronomical Breakthrough
by Anna Crowley Redding
Feiwel & Friends
A promising premise showing great excitement…this book can satisfy the science nerd in many readers – Dr. Genevieve Ford
The Great Engine Room Takeover (Eudora Space Kid)
by David Horn, illustrated by Talitha Shipman
David Horn
I thought the storyline was out of this world and a great way to introduce readers to this wonderful character, and what appears to be a promising series! I can’t wait to see what’s next for Eudora AND friends…and I think the kiddos will be right there with me eagerly anticipating the next adventure!- GRGenius at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers
Clues to the Universe
by Christina Li
Quill Tree Books
Always a good sign for an audiobook when I clean and organize obsessively bc I don’t want to stop listening!- Laura Gardner at librarianmsg
In the Shadow of the Moon: America, Russia, and the Hidden History of the Space Race
by Amy Cherrix
Balzer + Bray
In the Shadow of the Moon is a book that can be appreciated by those with a real interest in space travel. It provides a nice history of the challenges faced in getting to this point in space exploration, and what challenges await for future exploration- Terry Doherty at The Reading Tub
by E.K. Johnston
Dutton Books for Young Readers
All that is preamble to say I didn’t know I needed a retelling of the Fisher King myth, set in space with magic, but now my heart is wrung and my mind is slightly blown and I’m not sure how to review it. – Kim Aippersbach
The Darkness Outside Us
by Eliot Schrefer
Katherine Tegen Books
This book plays with some familiar sci-fi tropes, layers in a life-or-death mystery, adds a sweet, weird love story (can’t tell you why it’s weird: too spoilery), and sends you on a mind trip of epic twistiness – Kim Aippersbach at Dead Houseplants