New Feature: CYBILS Awards 📚🎶

We are excited to introduce our newest blog feature: Book Playlists! This idea has been on our drawing board for quite some time, and being able to start creating them is, well, music to our ears.

Our goal is to publish a Book Playlist for a CYBILS Awards finalist or winner every 6-8 weeks. Each post will feature one book and a complementary Spotify playlist.

What is a book playlist?

For us, a playlist is a carefully curated collection of music that complements a book. They may be songs that draw on the story’s themes, a piece of music referenced in the book itself, or tunes that add historical or biographical context. 

How do you use a book playlist?

We are SO glad you asked. There are lots of ways to use a playlist. Whether reading at home, in the classroom, or at the library, playlists can help you “round out” a book with other media.

  • Atmosphere. Music playing while you read can set a mood that draws you into a book as you turn the page. 
  • Background. When a book references a specific artist or music, a playlist can give you an at-your-fingertips resource with examples of an artist’s portfolio or music genre.
  • Context. For books set in certain eras or places, a playlist can give you insight into styles of music, cultural themes, societal issues, and/or an artist’s portfolio.

What books will you feature? 

While novels are the most logical option for a playlist, we plan to select finalists and winners across all categories over the most recent five years. Is it going to be a challenge creating a playlist for board books? Yes, but we’re up for it! 

We’re also making it easy for you to match the playlist with the reader. Each playlist will come with a “bookplate” that is color-coded for its audience: blue for young children and elementary-aged readers; green for pre-teens and middle-grade readers; and purple for teens and young adults.

Can I suggest a playlist?

Certainly! If you’d like to volunteer to create a playlist for the CYBILS blog, we welcome that, too.

Send us an email at CybilsAwards [at] gmail [dot] com.