I am a sucker for books about books and libraries, and there’s quite a handful this year. Though, it seems like it leans younger this year – not too many books for middle grade and YA books about libraries. What we need are more adventures in enchanted libraries out there. Get to work, publishers and authors! Until then, enjoy these!

Love in the Library
by Maggie Tokuda-Hall, illustrated by Yas Imamura
Candlewick Press
“This is such a powerful story, and so much resonates here. We’re in amazing hands with Maggie Tokuda-Hall’s poetic, concise yet present narration and Yas Imamura’s faded yet evocative illustrations.” – Max at Completely Full Bookshelf

Library Girl: How Nancy Pearl Became America’s Most Celebrated Librarian
by Karen Henry Clark, illustrated by Sheryl Murray
Little Bigfoot

Nour’s Secret Library
by Wafa’ Tarnowska, illustrated by Vali Mintzi
Barefoot Books
“A library that children created secretly during a war. Written with perfect prose, the destruction is in rough charcoal, and the ways people found hope are in bright gouache. Nour’s Secret Library is one to read again and again.” – Genevieve Ford