cybils awards 18 years

In 2005, a group of bloggers put their heads together and created an award. Back then, blogs were the go-to way to share reviews and recommendations, so, book bloggers were judges.Β  A lot has changed over these last 18 years, including our name. We’re not (just) bloggers, we’re Book Lovers!

What hasn’t changed is our passion to connect readers with great books. We are always seeking books where kids and teens can see themselves or people in their community; explore new things and ideas; or just escape into the pages of another world, place, or time.

Given the current climate of book restrictions, recognizing diverse books for youth audiences is as important as it has ever been in our history. Which brings us full circle to you, dear book lover!

Watch this space.

Over the next week or so, we’ll be sharing what we’ve learned from our Chairs and Judges surveys, tell you how we’re turning their feedback into action, and how you can join us as we celebrate this milestone!