2023 CYBILS Judges: Nonfiction Panels

Children and students of all ages are curious about a variety of subjects. Nonfiction titles can feed their thirst, whether they want to learn about someoneโ€™s life, history, math, science, current events, social justice, activism, journalism, and so much more.

These books are filled with illustrations, photographs, and accurate back matter to highlight concepts to wow students and adults alike about topics so fascinating it is equally as engaging as any novel. The books we seek will be at least 50% narrative nonfiction, i.e., not just lists of facts but information presented in context and as part of a wider picture.

Yes, our Nonfiction judges will be reading books filled with factual content and are informational titles. They'll also be looking for balance: books where young readers are presented with an opportunity to make informed decisions for themselves. They will not shy away from books on controversial topics so that readers have a safe place to turn when they need or want accurate and up-to-date information on what matters most to them.

Be sure to click the links to see where our judges post their reviews!
... and don't hesitate to follow them on social media.




R2: Finalist > Winner

R1: Nomination > Finalist
