This post, written by Young Adult Fiction Chair, Gary Anderson, was first seen on What’s Not Wrong? Gary’s blog. We are reprinting with permission. Want to share why you love the Cybils Awards? Leave a comment on Gary’s post, here. The Cybils Awards, YA Lit, and Meby Gary Anderson If you pay attention to the world of literature for young …
Featured Blogger: Paula Willey
Our featured blogger this month is Paula Willey, as nominated by Sheila Ruth. Sheila writes, “Paula has been a Cybils judge in several different categories, going back at least to 2008, and has always been a cheerleader for Cybils and all things kidlit. Her blog posts are fun and a joy to read; she writes in a distinctive voice, and …
Featured Blogger: Maureen Kearney
Since the date and place for the 2015 KidlitCon has been announced and the call for proposals is out, we thought it’d be fun to highlight the one person (that we know of; there may be others) that has been to every single KidlitCon since it started back in 2007. Maureen was more than happy to take a moment out …
Featured Blogger: Lee Wind
This month’s featured blogger is Lee Wind, who blogs over at I’m Here. I’m Queer. What the Hell Do I Read?. Lee’s a long-time active member of the Kidlitosphere, and we were happy he took some time out of his busy schedule to talk with us! Tell us a bit about your blog. LW: The idea behind “I’m Here. I’m Queer. …
Featured Blogger: Greg Pincus
We have loved all the bloggers we’ve featured so far, but it has occurred to us that we’ve been remiss in featuring the male population around here. There are men out there in the kidlit blogging community, and we wanted to highlight their contributions. Greg Pincus at Gottabook has been involved in the community for a number of years, and …
Featured Blogger: Margo Tanenbaum
For this month’s featured blogger, I asked the Cybils organizing team who they’d like to see. One of the names that came up was Margo Tanenbaum, a long time blogger at The Fourth Musketeer. She was delighted, and took the time to answer our questions. Tell us a bit about you and your blog. I am a full-time children’s librarian …
Featured Blogger: Elizabeth O. Dulemba
This month’s featured blogger was nominated by Vicky. Who says, “I nominate Elizabeth O. Dulemba. She has consistently featured kidlit authors and illustrators, as well as kidlit books, for many years. As an author/illustrator herself, she also provides many articles, links, and resources for those involved in the kidlit community.” Happily, Elizabeth was willing to answer a few questions about …
Featured Bloggers: Guinevere and Libertad Tomas
This month’s featured bloggers are Guinevere and Libertad at Twinja Book Reviews. We met them at KidlitCon last month, and were impressed by their enthusiasm and energy and passion, and wanted to get to know them a big more. We were glad they took some time to answer our questions about their blog and diversity in YA/Speculative Fiction. Tell us a …
Featured Blogger: Amy at Hope Is the Word
Our first featured blogger is Amy at Hope Is The Word, who hosts the Armchair Cybils every year. She was nominated by Sherry at Semicolon who says: ” Amy reads and reviews lots of Cybils nominees and gives bloggers who are unable to be judges a chance to get in on the Cybils fun. Amy is a teacher and librarian turned …
NEW! The Featured Blogger
One of the things we wanted to do this Cybils’ season is reach out and feature the bloggers that are part of this community. This can be ANYONE in the wider kidlit blogging community, not just those who are involved as panelists, judges, or organizers. If you have someone in mind who loves and blogs about kidlit, please send a …