INTERVIEW WEEK: Mo Willems & Mother Reader — together again

It’s interview week here at Cybils, and we’re bringing you the best Q&A tidbits from around our cozy corner of the blogosphere.

What more fabulous way to start off than revisiting the great romance of MotherReader and Mo Willems? Though we could probably shorten that to just Mo’ R and Mo W by now. She’s been practically cyberstalking the kidlit uber-celebrity (and fiction picture book finalist) since way back, and it’s likely only her smart-alecky humor–and wry humility–has kept her out of jail so far.

She’s even indexed her posts on him.

Mo’ R was first to nab a reaction after Knuffle Bunny Too won two medals from the American Library Association–a lovely Caldecott honor and a Carnegie Medal (descriptions here).

In her short, sweet post, Mo’ R gets right to the point:

In dashing off a note of congratulations to Mo, I slipped in that I might want to ask a few questions. Gracious man that he is β€” and wise as well β€” he shared some thoughts about the awards.

[Mo’ R]: When did you get the call and what did you say? And then when did you get the second call and what did you say?

[Mo W]: I can’t really recall. Let’s assume I was witty and clever and charming and modest and kind and thoughtful and erudite with clear diction on one call and a dumb jackass on the other, shall we?

Read the rest here.