Chalice by Robin McKinley

Charlotte's Library is the online home of Charlotte Taylor, one of our panelists for the Fantasy and Sci-Fi category this year. About herself, she says, "I'm an archaeologist by day, the president of the Friends of a small New England library by night." In that capacity, she helps raise money to buy books; and in her capacity as a mom, she reads regularly to her sons.

Over the summer, Charlotte read the latest offering from a grand dame of the fantasy genre, Chalice by Robin McKinley. McKinley's magical worlds have enchanted young readers and adult readers alike, and her newest entry is clearly no exception, since it's been nominated for a Cybil.

This fairy-tale story of magical machinations is suitable for younger and older YA readers…as well as adult fans of McKinley. Says Charlotte about the book:

[It] is a delight. A land of troubled magic, bee-keeping, and a strong and book savvy heroine combine in a captivating story.

Read the full review here.