Magic Trixie by Jill Thompson

Paula Willey is "the pink-haired librarian who reads all the kid books." She's a children's/YA book enthusiast and mother of two who blogs at Pink Me, recommending titles for all ages from baby books to YA novels, and compiling booklists of extra-special good ones. She's also part of the nominations panel for the Graphic Novels category this year.

Paula posted a review this fall of Eisner Award-winner Jill Thompson's Magic Trixie, a graphic novel for children and middle-grade readers that was nominated for this year's Cybils. Halloween might be well behind us, but is there ever a bad time for a story about a young and fiesty pink-haired witch who's trying to cope with a baby sister? We don't think so. Says Paula:

Jill Thompson has drawn up a set of monsters, witches and ghosts that are hip and fabulous….but the real joy is in learning about spitfire Trixie and finding out what fresh visual fun is waiting on the next page.

Click here for the full review.