The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks

I've always thought that Bookshelves of Doom was an enviably great name for a blog. Well, it's also an enviably great blog featuring book news, reviews, and other fun stuff by librarian and clever book-related t-shirt creator Leila Roy. (If you're looking for a literary gift idea that isn't a book, check out her Etsy shop for shirts with slogans such as "Real Vampires Don't Sparkle" and "Trust Snape.")

This summer, Leila posted a review of E. Lockhart's latest YA novel, Cybils nominee The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks. This fun, witty, and thoughtful story takes the reader on a wild ride through the mind of a not-so-average prep school girl who decides to make her mark on the school in most unconventional fashion.

Leila says, "I've been thinking about this one ever since I read it two weekends
ago.  This is definitely one to put on the YA Books to Hand to Adults

Click here to read the full review.