A Visitor for Bear

Pam Coughlan is widely known around the kidlitosphere as MotherReader, and is also very widely read–her interests range from grown-up books (which are outside the scope of the Cybils) to a whole array of books for younger readers which she encounters in her work as a children's library assistant. She's also the founder of Bloggers Against Celebrity Authors and keeps a great list of Funny Books for All Ages.

She's also a panelist for the Fiction Picture Books category, and earlier this year, she reviewed one of the eventual finalists: A Visitor for Bear, written by Bonny Becker and illustrated by Kady MacDonald Denton. As part of her series The Thursday Three, MotherReader took a look at this story of a rather unsociable bear:

The soft illustrations are wonderful, and convey the charactersโ€™ emotions to perfection…. This is a great story, a fantastic read-aloud, and an overall brilliant book.

Read more about it in the full review.