Cybils bookmarks

We have gorgeous bookmarks in house.  They list all the 2008 Cybils winners and contact info for Kelly and myself, plus of course our website URL. 

If you'd like me to send you an envelope of 30-40 or so, email me your name and address at anne (at) bookbuds (dot) net.

I'll send more if you want.  I ordered 5,000 this year!  If you're going to a conference, I'd be especially grateful if you took a bunch.  They're also perfect for leaving in cafes and libraries.  Why, there's no end to the possibilities …

Update: The response has been terrific.  I'm sorry I can't get back to you all individually via email, but you will all get envelopes stuffed with bookmarks. 

Oh, and if you run out at any time of the year, let me know if you want more.  If there really is a run on them, I can always order more.