2009 Nominations: Middle Grade/YA Non-Fiction

While nominations are open in all categories, we're also featuring a few genres at a time over the first few days — Eds.

School Library Journal says that kids are paying more attention to
nonfiction. Amen! 2009 has been a stellar year for the facts, and this
is the spot to nominate informational books for older children and
teenagers: biography, autobiography, science, history, sports, how-to,
math, etc.

Past winners of the category are Freedom Walkers, by Russell
Freedman (2006), Tasting the Sky: A Palestinian Childhood, by Ibtisam
Barakat (2007), and The Year We Disappeared: A Father-Daughter Memoir,
by Cylin Busby and John Busby (2008).

–Susan Thomsen, category organizer

Click here to go to the nomination form and leave your nomination for this category. (For more information about the form, go here.)

To view an up-to-the-minute list of what's already been nominated for this category, click here.