Introducing Jone MacCulloch, Non-Fiction Picture Books

Today we meet the organizer for our Non-Fiction Picture Books category, Jone MacCulloch:


"Too many books, too little time" is a favorite quote of mine. And yet, as an elementary library media specialist, I have to know something about all books regardless of genre. Lucky me, last year, when I requested the poetry category for Cybils (which I love, love, love) it was full up. I was asked to be on the Non-Fiction Picture Books panel instead. I discovered that I really love this category just as much. The quality and interest in non-fiction books for children of all ages has grown tremendously over the last few years.

I am thrilled to be the organizer of the NFPB category, even though I have big shoes to fill. I have lots to learn but am excited to see what 2009 brings in this category.

I keep two blogs, one for school called Check It Out and one for my personal writing, Deo Writer. I am learning to Twitter. When not teaching or on the computer, I can be found outside, camera in hand. My grandgirls make me laugh along with my husband and two doxies.

Update: Check it out has moved!