Give a Little Cybils Love

Somewhere in between organizing the Kidlitcon, heading up the Fiction Picture Books category, blogging at her own site, and posting to the Booklights blog at PBS Parents, the indefatigable Mother Reader–aka Pam Coughlan–somehow found time this year to add a new installment to her fantastic series of Ways to Give a Book posts. If you're looking for holiday gift ideas, do not miss 105 Ways to Give a Book–compiled, updated, and sorted by age, these book-and-gift pairings are sure to be a lifesaver when you're trying to figure out that last-minute shopping list (like, er, ahem, certain blog editors). 

Another excellent themed list of book-and-gift suggestions comes from Round I Middle Grade Fiction judge Abby (the) Librarian, whose post Twelve Days of Giving: Making the World a Better Place focuses on pairing charitable contributions with thematically connected books.

Don't forget that when you click on the Amazon links in the Cybils site, any shopping you proceed to do on Amazon gives a teeny-tiny commission to the Cybils and helps the cause of buying nifty awards for our winning authors and illustrators (read Anne's post for more information). And, of course, you can always buy Cybils swag: makes a great gift!

–Sarah Stevenson, blog editor