The 2010 Nonfiction (MG/YA) Panel

Welcome to Part 2 of Nonfiction Monday here at the Cybils! Come into our virtual living room, have a cup of virtual tea, and meet our panelists and judges for the Middle Grade and Young Adult Non-Fiction category (also known as NFMG/YA). They're a truly tech-savvy bunch this year–almost each and every one can be found on Twitter, tweeting away. Just click on the [TW] to check them out.

Panel Organizer: Susan Thomsen, Chicken Spaghetti [TW]

Panelists (Round I Judges):

Karen Ball, Mrs. B's Favorites
Sarah Mulhern Gross, The Reading Zone [TW] David Judge, Adventures at Wilder Farm
Jessica Leader, Jessica Leader [TW] Susan Thomsen (see category organizer)

Judges (Round II):

Edi Campbell, Crazy Quilts [TW] Renรฉ Colato Laรญnez, La Bloga [TW] David Gutowski, Largehearted Boy [TW] Colleen Mondor, Chasing Ray, Bookslut [TW] Sandhya Nankani, Literary Safari, Sepia Mutiny [TW]