Plain Kate by Erin Bow

Round II Fantasy and Science Fiction judge Steph Su is mistress of the blog Steph Su Reads, which boasts over 1500 followers and is a great place to find in-depth MG and YA book reviews, author interviews, YA literature news, and other related information.

PlainKate A few months ago, Steph took a look at Teen SFF finalist Plain Kate by Erin Bow, a lyrically written debut novel chock full of magic, revenge, new friends and even a talking cat. Over and above the fantasy trappings, though, it's a compelling coming-of-age tale. In her review, Steph said:

PLAIN KATE channels the good old-fashioned writing of fantasy queens such as Robin McKinley to conjure up an astonishing world that flavorfully blends together folklore and magic, both in content and writing style.

Read the full review here.