Meet Mary Ann Scheuer, Book Apps Chair

MaryAnn2012Multi-tasking Mary Ann is how she's
introduced herself lately – but perhaps that's apt as we delve into the
world of Book Apps that seem to do so many things at once. Mary Ann is a
school librarian, mom to three, grad student and blogger. Each day she
spreads a love of reading with 300 elementary students in Berkeley, CA
at Emerson Elementary School, a diverse and thriving public school. Each
night she divides her time between blogging at Great Kid Books
and pursuing her Masters in Library and Information Sciences at San
Jose State University. Don't tell her professors, but she would much
rather read children's books and share them with others than talk about
formal library services! But the truth is, all this multi-tasking is
only possible with nightly doses of dark chocolate.

Mary Ann has jumped into the app world with both feet. Sheโ€™s been reviewing children's book apps on her blog Great Kid Books
since January 2011. She chaired the 2011 Cybils Book App committee,
working with a great team of panelists. And now sheโ€™s also part of the
AASL task force to select the Top 25 Apps for Teaching and Learning.
At her school, sheโ€™s launched a pilot program investigating the way
that iPads can help elementary school children learn and explore. More
than anything, the best part is seeing how this new technology can
engage children in meaningful ways.

Find her on Twitter @MaryAnnScheuer.